Travel Tips Redoux!

I love sharing travel tips with clients, as since they are classified top-secrets of the secret society Knights of the Massage Therapists, I want to share them with you.
Sciatica Roll: This can be a pillow, a rolled-up towel or jacket/coat. Use it for passive realignment in any airplane, car or train seat. Tuck it between your lateral quad and the armchair or seat console. It will reduce lateral rotation while sitting.
Instant Airplane Hot pack: I must credit one of my faithful clients for this one, and she learned it from an experienced flight attendant who deserves a medal. When you need a hot pack, fold over a dozen paper towels. Pour hot water from the tea dispenser over it. Put the folded towels in a barf bag, which is insulated from the inside. Warm moist heat for hours!
Headache Fixer Ice Pack: Even when traveling by yak, it is usually easy to find a cold soda can. Wrap in a paper towel or hanky or something, place at the back of the neck at the hairline. Try to keep it there for about two to five minutes. Also works on sore butts, smalls of the back, anywhere an icy pack is needed. Frozen bottled Guinness’s also work. Don’t ask about the story behind that. My memory is very fuzzy about that day.
Anywhere liniment: A tablespoon of Epsom salts in a couple of ounces of any clear cooking oil. Nuke for 10-second increments and stir until salts dissolve. I once made this in a 7-11. Can we be any more McGyver?

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