The FAQs on CEUs

Well, it’s time to renew my massage license again, and I figured it was a good time to review the CEU requirements. I know I can get some CEU’s from watching videos, but I couldn’t remember the rules for doing that (as it turns out, you can only use videos/dvds for four hours of credit). So, realizing that I’m probably not the only LMP in Washington State who doesn’t have all of this committed to memory, here’s a refresher on what you need.

Don’t Be Late!
I was shocked when I got my renewal notice this year. Last year I think I paid $30. This year it’s $90!! Major bummer. And because the renewal rate has gone up so much, the penalty for renewing late also takes more of a bite. If you’re even one day late, you’ll pay an additional $40, for a total of $140. I don’t know about you, but $90 is more than I want to pay as it is—make sure the Dept. of Health gets your renewal by your birthday so you don’t get soaked by the penalty.

How Many CEU’s Do You Need?
From the Washington State Department of Health: To renew a massage license, you must have sixteen hours of continuing education every two years. The continuing education hours must have been obtained during the preceding two years, from birth date to birth date. If you are reporting this year any CE that was obtained before your birth date two years ago or after your current birth date, it cannot be used to satisfy the continuing education requirement.

What Qualifies for CEU Credits?
Again, straight from the horse’s mouth so there’s no confusion:

WAC 246-830-475
Qualification of program for continuing education credit. Completion of a formal program of learning which serves to enhance the professional knowledge and development of the licensee shall qualify as continuing education credit. For the purposes of this chapter, a formal program of learning shall be defined as any of the following:

(1) Attendance at a local, state, national or international continuing education program having a featured speaker;

(2) First aid, CPR or emergency related classes;

(3) Viewing of educational video tapes not to exceed four credits;

(4) Teaching a seminar for the first time, not to exceed eight hours;

(5) Business and management courses not to exceed six hours;

(6) Specialized training in an aspect of massage therapy provided by an individual who has expertise in that area, has been licensed in this state for no less than three years, and who charges a fee;

(7) Courses from a state, county, or city school or program or approved massage school, program, or apprenticeship trainer in massage therapy or related topics; or

(8) Training provided by a health care professional certified or licensed in their area of expertise.

You Might Need More CEUs
If you’re nationally certified or an AMTA member, you have to deal with additional requirements. NCBTMB and AMTA both require 48 hours of continuing education every four years, and 6 of those hours must be taken in ethics. But the AMTA does accept proof of your NCBTMB or NCCAOM-ABT certification expiration date for renewal as a Professional Active member of AMTA.

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