Please, Please, Get Regular Bodywork!

My family and I recently stayed at a local resort for a mini-staycation, so of course I took advantage of their spa services. My massage therapist had a nice touch, but as we talked, she admitted to me her hands were hurting and she had not had a massage in years.

Oh heavens. If there has been one constant in my life since I started doing massage in 1995, it is that I get massages. Lots. For a long time once a week, and more most recently alternating with acupuncture.

Time spent getting a massage gives me new energy, insight into my own massage style, and a chance to alter the course of aches and pains that could develop into trouble.   

I credit regular bodywork with keeping me sane and holding off the chronic tendonitis that most therapists develop over the years.

My therapist had been massaging for about 10 years, but rarely got massages after graduating from her massage class. Massage is more of a job for her, and with children and a busy schedule, bodywork has never been a priority.

I told her flat out that I couldn’t live like that.

Please, Please, get massages. It is the best medicine, prevention and wellness therapy I know.

Of course she agreed. “We have time to trade here but we don’t,” she told me. “Maybe I get a little work here and there on stuff that hurts, but that is it.”

Ok therapists I will give you the speech I give clients who are too busy: “If you can manage to get your hair done, your nails done and be Mom of the year, you have time to schedule a massage and carry through with a regular appointment.”

Consider this an engraved invitation….


3 thoughts on “Please, Please, Get Regular Bodywork!

  1. Mikey Bravo

    I would love to get more massages myself, but sometimes I can’t get a spare minute. I wish that I had gone into massage therapy so I would know more about this. I love getting massages though, even though I know nothing about how their done.


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