A massage therapist’s toolbox is crowd with all kinds of fancy techniques to address troubles in the body.
Yet one of the most effective techniques one can use to release tension is to say something. Just a little something to put the client at ease.
A small joke is letting clients know your empathy for their stress. Yes, the inmates are running the asylum. The Red Queen has lost her head. Welcome to the “e.r. for p.r.” Some people drive like they think –not. It is part of life to acknowledge the crazy and nonsensical.
Life teaches us that the way to release tension is to laugh, and sometimes it is the best solution to release thoracic tension during a massage.
For people who have recently been through the wringer, and back again, it is good to remind ourselves that we can laugh at the strange things in life.
It gets clients ready to relax. It says you understand, that you have been there, and no matter what else transpires in the next hour, you have met a friend who gets it.
Not a bad way to start? It will not work for everyone, but it often is a great opening to healing energy. If the body can laugh, it can raise and lower the rib cage, it can expand and contract the diaphragm. It can liberate itself from the heavy weights of life.