Unwinding the Birth Pattern: For Infants and Adults with Lauren Christman

Instructor: Lauren Christman, LMT, CCST; NCBTMB #450788-08

The process of being born is possibly one of the most vigorous events of our lifetime. It doesn’t matter how you are born — ‘normal’ positioning, with tilts or twists, breech, even cesarean — our body is designed to adapt to and recover from the forces during labor. Still this process leaves an imprint: the birth pattern. This pattern remains in the fascial layers, especially the dura, and the still-forming cranial bones. Later in life we can see that pattern reassert itself after physical injury — whiplash or concussion, for example — and in times of high stress.

An Advanced Approach to Unwinding: Unwinding, on a full body level, is a wonderful way to access and help balance this pattern. In this 3-day class, we explore unwinding in an advanced way, beyond the basic ‘following’ that is the standard starting point of learning this technique. We consider expansion, containment and biotensegrity. We explore how to guide the process as the practitioner, as well as how to engage the client, actively and passively (push/pull). Just as the baby plays an active role in getting born, the client can play an active role in resolving these whole-body strain patterns.

Course Highlights

  • Review embryology, the birth passage and postpartum time from a fluid and fascial perspective
  • Explore the birth process as an imprint and/or metaphor for developmental changes throughout the life cycle
  • Extended unwinding sessions in trios, which are hard to do alone, help the client with deeply-rooted patterns and issues
  • Working with a co-practitioner is both highly therapeutic and deeply informative
  • Bring the client through the ‘release’ phase of unwinding into the ‘engaged’ phase of an upright, empowered stance

On the last day, students work directly with infants (in pairs or trios, depending on the number of volunteers available)

Prerequisite: Previous training in cranial or visceral work is preferable, but not necessary.

Reviewers:  If you have taken this class previously through the Therapeutic Training Center, you may review it at $310 (reg. price $470). If you are eligible for the reviewer's discount, please call 206.853.6875 to register or register by mail as the website only offers classes at the regular price.

Deposits and Registration Options: Payments can be made to the Therapeutic Training Center by cash, check or credit card. A deposit of $100 may be made to guarantee a spot as long as full payment is made by the first day of class. To make a deposit on the class, please call 206.853.6875 or follow the instructions for mailing in a check payment on the Policies webpage. Unfortunately, the website will not handle partial payments so deposits cannot be made online.

What to Bring: Please see the class description on the Therapeutic Training Center's Website for details

Class Date: June 27-29, 2025
Class Times: Friday-Sunday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Location: Seattle -- Please click on the this link to go to the class description on the Therapeutic Training Center's website for the location detail.
Cost: $470*
Cost/Hour: $22.38/hr
Hours: 21

*If you are a student signed up for the next Core Series/Certification program that has not yet commenced, you are also eligible for the $440 pricing. For everyone who is eligible for the $440 pricing please contact Robbin at 206-853-6875 to register or register by mail as this website only offers classes at the regular price. Around March 2025, we will have a new website that will make this process simple for anyone eligible for the $440 price.

For other classes offered by Lauren Christman, click HERE.

Next Craniosacral Core Series & Certification Programs start on Nov 5, 2025.
(click HERE for details about Lauren Christman's Craniosacral Programs.)

For more information, and to register, please visit:

Robbin Blake
Therapeutic Training Center
P: 206.853.6875


Taught By Lauren Christman, LMT, CCST; NCBTMB #450788-08
When Friday, June 27, 2025 09:30 AM
Where Therapeutic Training Center 700 NW 42nd St Ste 247 (Office only, not a classroom. See location link provided above.)
Seattle, WA 98107
CE Hours 21
Price $440 for any current CS Core/Cert student and for any student who has complete the Core Series; $470 for all others*
Posted Saturday, March 08, 2025 09:35 AM
