This course will introduce you to the anatomy and physiology of the CranioSacral System through our practical hands-on "learning by discovery" method. You will learn advanced palpatory skills, fascial and soft tissue release techniques and a concise 10 step protocol for evaluation and treatment of the entire body via the CranioSacral System. To supplement class instruction you will receive a fully illustrated, comprehensive study guide.
Course Highlights: By the end of this 4-day workshop you should be able to:
• Describe the scientific foundation and principles of CranioSacral Therapy - and why it's the key to relieving pain and dysfunction at their source
• Demonstrate finely tuned palpation skills you can rely on as highly sensitive and intuitive healthcare tools
• Identify the subtle craniosacral rhythm and interpret its patterns to accurately evaluate dysfunction and improvements
• Locate the source of physical problems by traveling through the fascial system, that complex web of tissue that impacts all body structures and systems
• Release dural tube restrictions to enhance interactions between the central nervous system and the rest of the body
• Use techniques that produce dramatic health and relaxation effects, including Direction of Energy and Still-Point Induction
• Work with approaches to a number of common ailments such as TMJ dysfunction, head and neck pain, central nervous system disorders and many more
• Put a simple, effective 10-Step Protocol into practice right away.
When: March 13th-16th, 2025 9am - 5:30pm
Cost: $895 (Discount Available for Full Time Healthcare Students Who Qualify - Call 561-622-4388)
Early Registration Price $695.00 (USD) For registering 60 Days in Advance you Save $200 (USD) The Special Rate is Valid Until 1/11/25 - 11:00 p.m PST
Contact: www.upledger.com or 800-233-5880